Alhamdulillah, It had been a week full of gratefulness and blessings from Allah SWT for us The Believers.  Despite our coziness studying and struggling in seeking knowledge,  Islamic world are still struggling to wake up and come back to its Golden Ages - where the beauty of Islam shines in every of our hearts.  News and updates playing a great vital role for us, the muslim youth - leaders of tomorrow, to keep discussing and brain-storming great ideas for the beneficiary of every muslims and dearest mankind. 

Halal products may be funding Islamist extremism, claims Nationals MP
Australian Abbott government backbencher George Christensen says it’s ‘outrageous’ his grocery dollars are going towards a ‘religious tax’
Thursday 20 November 2014

George Christensen on Vegemite: ‘It’s lovely to know a jar of the salty black stuff is sponsoring the advocacy of robbing women of all of their marital property rights.

Consumers who buy halal products could be funding Islamist extremism, an Abbott government backbencher claims.
In an opinion article titled Terror in the Tucker Box, Nationals MP George Christensen questions whether shoppers who buy goods with the halal logo are funding a push for Sharia law – or even backing terrorists.
Christensen says there’s no way to know where the funds from halal-certified goods end up.
He said it was “outrageous” his grocery dollars were going towards a “religious tax” – listing halal-approved products such as Vegemite, Corn Flakes and Freddo frogs.
 Controversy over halal certification has come to a boil over the past few weeks.
South Australian dairy producer Fleurieu Milk and Yoghurt Company was forced drop its halal certification after receiving threats on social media.

The Guardian view on the Jerusalem killings: this must not become a holy war
The murders in a synagogue were a truly appalling act of violence. Now Israeli and Palestinian leaders must act to prevent their conflict becoming a battle of Muslim against Jew – because religious conflicts can never be solved.

 Tuesday 18 November 2014

Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, 'needs to lead, and point the way out of a situation that is intolerable – and lethally dangerous – to both peoples'.

No one can look at photographs of Tuesday’s scene at Jerusalem’s Har Nof synagogue without shuddering. The sight of prayer shawls and prayer books drenched in blood stirs the bitterest memories. They are the images of a pogrom. Reports of the event confirm that impression. The murmuring hush of morning worship was broken by what witnesses say was a frenzied attack, the two Palestinian assailants – cousins from East Jerusalem – lashing out with weapons that included guns, knives and a meat cleaver. The floor of a house of prayer was turned red.

People of all faiths – and even of none – will find something especially appalling about this act of violence. Any place of worship is meant to be a sanctuary; that much is understood universally. Inevitably, however, this attack has struck a particular and deep nerve in the Israeli – and Jewish – psyche. Attacks like this were precisely what the creation of the state of Israel was meant to prevent. Israel was to be the one place in the world where Jews could pray in peace and safety. Synagogues in London, Paris or New York have grown used to having a security presence on the door. Now there are calls for the same precaution to be taken in Israel, a bleak thought for a country established to be a safe haven.
For the moment, these are just fears. There is nothing inevitable about their realisation. But it will require political leadership..But the burden on Israel is heavy too. Binyamin Netanyahu has failed to show Palestinians any kind of political horizon. He shows them no route by which they might reach independence or even an end to occupation. In the absence of such a political path, the men of violence prosper.

Christians and Muslims have co-existed peacefully before and must do so again
I hope my presence as the first Muslim to address the General Synod shows that followers of these great religions can be allies
 Tuesday 18 November 2014

‘My presence in the synod will help us to stand shoulder to shoulder together against the forces that would threaten our shared humanity.’

Fuad Nahdi, an outstanding columnist of  were the first to address at the General Synod of the Church of England.  Standing and sharing his humble yet challenging trials but, ultimately worth adventure.

His wife, Humera  of more than 25 years of companion has considered his life a success as she had seen him recover from long bout of debilitating illness.

And here are some important moments of his speech.

“Violence has no religion, ethnicity or morality: if anything it reflects a betrayal of our basic humanity, for in violence we forget who we are. What surrounds us is beyond comprehension and puts all of us to shame. For people of faith and principles, this is a time for introspection and deep reflection.
But perhaps the biggest challenge for all of us Christians and Muslims is to change basic attitudes so that they reflect the complex world in which we live.
Both Christianity and Islam need to be detribalised in the global village. Our efforts should focus on finding areas of convergence, not conversion.
My presence in the synod will help us to stand shoulder to shoulder together against the forces that would threaten our shared humanity. For the haters and those consumed by anger and wickedness, this occasion is both threatening and unsettling. Many would not want us to share the truth about the rich history of Christianity and Islam.
For centuries the two faith communities have managed to co-exist peacefully in almost all countries in the Middle East and elsewhere. Islam has recognised Christianity as a sister Abrahamic faith. Places of worship have been respected, freedom of worship accorded and lives and property protected. The oldest known Christian community that speaks the language Jesus allegedly spoke has co-existed with Muslim neighbours until the recent troubles.”

Finally, the words of the noble prophet should be assuring for all: “Beware,” he warned over 14 centuries ago, “whoever is cruel and hard on a non-Muslim minority, or curtails their rights, or burdens them with more than they can bear, or takes anything from them against their free will; I (Muhammad) will complain against the person on the day of judgment.”

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