“Exam’s tomorrow, exam’s tomorrow~~!!!!!!!!” frantically,
she turned one page after another without even really reading what’s written on
Her eyes scanned the papers with haste, left, right, left,
right; one can ever be sure whether she was reading or she’s suffering from
pathological nystagmus….
“sraapp, srapp”
“…omege! Koyak!”, cried Yana, wide-eyed staring at the tear which goes from the
lower margin to the middle of the paper.
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"...have trust in Allah, you're gonna be alright." |
“Chill~~ Alaa~ you’ve read these stacks, those stacks
of notes and even explained them to me countless times! I know you can do it!”
uttered Shikin enthusiastically, trying to assure her panic-stricken friend.
Almost in tears, Yana answered slowly, as if whispering to
”...but I don’t
remember a thing,Shikin, not a single thing ….T_T”
“Esok ingatla tu~”
The room was dimly lit, as if helping Yana to hide her
single drop of tear, slowly rolling down her cheeks onto the notes she was
holding. Her ice cold fingers moved, inconspicuously trying to brush the tear
away; also concealing the watermark it left.
Sitting in a dark corner, Ika observed the situation
silently. The keyboard tapped noisily breaking the silence as her nimble
fingers danced on the letters, typing nothing. It was just an act, to
fool Yana and Shikin; so that they think that her earphone was on too loud for
her to be aware of the asphyxiating atmosphere. Ika strained her eyes, cautiously looking at Yana through
the reflection on her laptop screen. Yana’s face was hyperemic, as if she was
slapped ten times; consecutively; by a person with a rather large hand.
“Yana~~!!!” Ika jumped from her chair and ran hurriedly
almost stumbling down towards Yana, spreading her arms, wrapping them around
her friend in need; tightly embracing her while saying, “I believe in you, have
trust in Allah, you’re gonna be alright”.
But that just did not happen. Seriously it didn’t.
It was only a play Ika constructed in her mind.
Suddenly, her eyes caught a glimpse of Shikin’s head turning towards her direction.
Realizing that she stopped typing when she stared at Yana’s reflection, Ika hurriedly moved her fingers, slamming the keyboard. Shikin stopped looking at
her and continued studying. Fiuhh~

Ika never got used to being embraced or embracing other
people. In other words, she always felt awkward and the total opposite of cool
when these embraces occur. Is it really uncool of her if she hugs
another? Eyes shut; she rummaged through her mind, every nook and corner,
trying to find the answer for this, this very significant question.
Ironically, she could recall some very pleasant memories
relating to this issue. It was like yesterday, the crisp morning air rushed
into her lungs as the girl in baju sekolah took a very deep breath, holding
those textbooks tightly, wrinkling their pages. Ika was standing in front of
the exam hall, a little bit scared, waiting to take her steps towards those
doors. A senior of hers, someone she looked up to, walked towards her and
wished her good luck. Maybe her face showed her “cuakness” or maybe she simply
looked worried, whatever it was, that senior just hugged her tightly. It felt
like she was saying, “it’s alright, you’ll do great kiddo.” *SEMANGAT! HIYAH!*
Fragments of another memory came to her as if attached to
the previous one. She could see herself crying; upset about something,
something she couldn’t remember. One might question, why would this be a
pleasant memory? It was Shida. Wrapped tightly by her friend, Ika felt safe and
assured. Her burden and worries lifted, evaporated into thin air. How easy it
is to comfort others? Or not? It’s soo hard…thought Ika, massaging her
throbbing temples.
In her mind, she ran to and fro, until suddenly a garish
light shone brightly out of nowhere.
What about rasululullah s.a.w? He’s cool~
As those tiny neurons sent impulses to various parts of her
brain, a familiar story unraveled inside Ika’s mind. Her lips slowly curled up
into a smile.
Rasulullah s.a.w was sleeping at Maimunah’s (one of his
wives) house. His young cousin, Ibnu Abbas also spent the night there. Young
Ibnu Abbas wanted to do something for rasulullah s.a.w. so, when the prophet
was sleeping; Ibnu Abbas prepared a special container filled with water so
rasulullah s.a.w. can perform ablution with it. With the water he
prepared. :D
In the middle of the night, rasulullah woke up from his
slumber and wiped his eyes to get rid of his sleepiness. Suddenly he noticed a
container filled with water, ready for him to use. Rasulullah s.a.w. asked
about it and Maimunah told him what Ibnu Abbas did. Rasulullah s.a.w. approached
Ibnu Abbas who was also awake and put his hand on Ibnu Abbas’s shoulder. He hugged
Ibnu Abbas tightly and asked Allah to teach Ibnu Abbas the quran and let
him be faqih in the religion.
Rasulullah could’ve just said jay zee kay kay [read:
jazakallahu khairan kathiran] to Ibnu Abbas, but he did more than that; he hugged
Ibnu Abbas and prayed for him….so, embracing a friend in need is not that
uncool after all!
Deep down in her heart; she knew what to do.
Ika stood up abruptly; adrenaline gushing through her body, her
heartbeat can be heard from a distance as her heart pumped like it had never
pumped before! Her nose flared as her chest expanded and contracted quickly,
expelling and taking in the atmospheric air in a very fast manner; every breath
she took increased her confidence; enflaming her burning spirit!
She threw her fist into the air, YOSH! Her body turned towards Yana and she just
blurted out; “Yana! I believe in you, have trust in Allah, you’re gonna be
alright! Go Yana GO!”
There was no response. Non whatsoever.
The atmosphere was gripped by eerie silence.
Little that she knew, when she was thinking, examining,
scrutinizing over every single thing; Shikin and Yana already went to slumber
land, leaving her alone in the dark cold room. Ika just stood there, not
believing what’s in front of her eyes. Her fist dropped, synchronized with her
heart; which felt like it sunk into her pelvic cavity.
Subconsciously her steps took her nearer to Yana and Shikin. As she stood there staring at them, she noticed
a post-it on Yana’s forehead saying: “Kejutkan pukul 3 pagi ekh~~~ X abeh
study lg ni~~Jazakillah makcek~~ ^v^”
Ika set her alarm at 3am and retreated to her seat, feeling
a little bit discouraged. Sitting there, staring at her laptop screen she
couldn’t brush aside the nagging feeling inside her heart. What does a hug even
mean?? Even Ika herself couldn’t
understand why she even bothered about this.
“H, u, g. Enter.”
According to Wikipedia……..
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"H, u, g. Enter." |
…a hug can indicate familiarity, love, affection or friendship.[1] One
person may hug another as an indication of support, comfort, and consolation. A
hug can be a demonstration of affection and emotional warmth, sometimes arising
out of joy or happiness at meeting someone.
…….An unexpected hug can be regarded as an invasion of a
person's personal space, but if it is reciprocated it is an
indication that it is welcome.
“It really means a lot...”, her lips mumbled as she read the
article line by line.
When she thought about it, hugs carry lots of meanings, lots
of emotions, lots of significance.
It is always awkward and sometimes ticklish when people that
she is not familiar with or she is not close to, hug her. Isn’t it the same
with embracing Islam, memeluk Islam? One could regard it as awkward, uncool,
weird, funny; even an invasion of personal space when one is not familiar with
it, doesn’t really know or understand Islam. That’s why sometimes people tend
to ask, why do we have to do this and that, why can’t I do as I please? Islam
kolot la. Mengongkong betul. Tak adil.
“But if
the Truth had followed their inclinations, the heavens and the earth and
whoever is in them would have been ruined. Rather, We have brought them their
message, but they, from their message, are turning away” –Al-Mu’minun:71
On the other hand, when we are familiar and we know the
person, a hug can even be needed when we are feeling down, unmotivated,
scared. It can be comforting, like an assurance, making us feel safe and
bersemangat! Isn’t it the same as memeluk Islam? When we are familiar, we
understand Islam, don’t we feel like Islam comforts us, always there assuring
us that we are safe, we are alright, nothing to be scared of? When we are sad,
we can always turn to Allah to give us strength and tranquility.
“Those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah -
Islamic Monotheism), and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah,
Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest." -Ar-Ra'd:28.
Hugs can also be a symbol of love and appreciation. Ika could still remember when Shikin
excitedly told her that her Russian teacher hugged her when she first came to
Russia. She said that she felt amat disayangi! Isn’t it the same as memeluk
“Allah is more compassionate towards His slaves than this mother towards her child.” (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
Say, "O My servants who have transgressed
against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed,
Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the
Merciful." -Az-Zumar:53
As Ika reflected and pondered about the times Islam is
always there for her, she reminded herself that embraces and hugs are usually
performed by two or more people. She knows that Islam is hugging her tight,
safe and warm throughout her life. But she just stood there, her arms limp,
never even thought of hugging back. Don’t we feel like returning the hugs given
to us? Have we really embraced Islam as Islam embraced our lives? Have we really fulfilled (are fulfilling) our
responsibilities as a khalifah and an ‘abid?
terbaek! heart-warming in the middle of frosting winter. feel like hugging Islam back <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
ReplyDeletealhdmulillah nice entry.